About the Fast,
the Slow and
the Better.
Wine is nature in real-time and the sum of uncountable postponements. This applies to the work in the vineyard just as much as in the cellar.
Our single-vineyard wines get bottled earliest after one year. Until then the wines are allowed and even invited to take shape and become the unapologetic reflection of the soil and vintage.
As winemakers we can only accompany this process. Clear thinking brings valuable insights and leads to better decision making. Our wines are the expression of this action or non-action. Clear, elegant and pure.
Our vineyards are predominantly planted with Sauvignon Blanc, Muskateller, Weissburgunder, Grauburgunder, Chardonnay and Welschriesling.
Because we feel like they thrive best on our soils and give us the chance to vinify wines with a profound origin and uniqueness to them. The new Styrian origin system with Gebietswein (regional), Ortswein (village) and Riedenwein (single-vineyard) takes these special features into account.
“Our wines will not please everyone, but that’s also not our goal. What we are looking for is the connection and fusion with the region that we live and work with and the outcome of that shall be the best wine that we are able to make.“
Hannes Sabathi